The CORE Program
Rivendell’s CORE Program helps children who struggle with social connections to develop the readiness skills they need to learn with others. Our educational model is based on the belief that relationships are the CORE of learning.
As CORE students struggle to sense the relationships between teachers, students and classroom materials, CORE practitioners teach those ongoing relationships in an individualized and systematic way that begins with the unique set of abilities of each CORE student.
CORE students learn to attend to what teachers and other children are doing and how to make use of preschool classroom materials. With readiness for school as our main goal, CORE practitioners use various environments to practice and build skills necessary for the child’s next educational step – to understand “school” as the classroom, therapy rooms, sensory gym, greenhouse and the playground. Our CORE practitioners partner with parents, classroom teachers, and therapists to optimize our children’s learning experiences to help them generalize their educational and social experiences between home and school.
Although children considered to be on the autistic spectrum may benefit from our CORE program, this diagnosis is neither a requirement, nor an exclusive description of program eligibility.
To learn more about how our CORE program may help your child, please contact Rosalie Woodside.